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Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo is a storyteller and poet as well as an artist and illustrator. She is a member of the Lower Brule Lakota Nation, Kul Wicasa Oyate, Lower Brule, South Dakota, where she grew up surrounded by her tiyóspaye, her circle of family and friends. Alfreda uses various art forms as a means to tell her stories. Alfreda says, “It is a very sensitive and beautiful experience to be a storyteller. There is a story in everything I create, from the smallest rock to the mightiest mountain. With every character born, every story shared, I add a piece of my spirit to this great matrix of life. As long as I have a story left to tell, I feel I have a responsibility to gift that story forward.”
Alfreda currently lives in beautiful Palisade, Colorado, with her spouse, David Algeo.
Alfreda is available for author visits and presentations about her books and culture. Contact her at abalgeo @outlook.com or https://www.matonunpallc.com/
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Alayne Griffin
Alayne @NativeVoicesBooks.com