Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in 7th Generation books. Our publishing focus is Indigenous non-fiction and fiction for young adults and children. All of our books have Native authors and illustrators. 

We look for manuscripts that deal with the many diverse and varied aspects of Native culture and are non-sexist, non-racist and non-violent. We publish historical fiction, board books, chapter books, novels, and biographies. Illustrations are not necessary.

We are currently accepting samples of unsolicited manuscripts for young adult novels and children’s books.

 We also accept illustrator portfolios. Please send a sample of your work and a C.V. to our address. We will only respond if interested but will keep your portfolio on hand for future projects. Your portfolio will not be returned.

If you feel that your work fits with these genres, please send it according to the instructions below.

How to send a sample of your manuscript:

Send your synopsis/sample (up to 3 chapters).
Children’s books: provide a story and an illustration sample if possible.
Include contact information: name, affiliated nation, address, phone number and email address.

Email:  or

Submissions must include a SASE (a self-addressed envelope, stamped with sufficient postage) so that we are able to return your manuscript and/or send you a reply. We cannot send your submission back to you without this SASE, nor can we send you a reply letter. We will contact you and ask for the full manuscript if we are interested. Please only send the full manuscript if it is for a picture book.


7th Generation Books

C/O Book Pub Co

PO Box 99

Summertown, TN 38483

 Don’t forget to keep a copy of your manuscript! Although we make every effort to keep it safe and sound, we cannot assume responsibility for your manuscript.

Please allow a period of at least 6 to 9 weeks for us to consider your submission. We read submissions on our own time, outside of work, so please be patient.